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  • Aditya Pikle

Power Automate: High Level Review for Business Process Automation

Updated: Dec 23, 2020

Almost all businesses today use MS Office tools. Microsoft has enhanced the basic tools by bringing in Office365 bringing these on the cloud. Not all people however know that the Office365 suite offers a lot more useful software other than the standard Excel and Powerpoint applications. This blog is an attempt to showcase one of the emerging tools in the setup called Power Automate

Power Automate is a tool for Automation

Some of the useful features of Power Automate are

1. Customizable Triggers for Automation

You can create a custom button which starts an automated flow. Alternatively, you can trigger the flow using an event such as an arrival of an email or if someone adds a file to a folder. You also have an option of scheduling an automated flow periodically such as every day or week

2. Standardized Action Items

The tool gives you basic actions used such as creating, editing and deleting items used in different applications. Action items are seen in a palette to pick and choose. Flow from one action to the next is easily setup through auto connectors.

3. Data Flow Connectors

Data movement related actions also feature such as sending an email or downloading / uploading files, getting data from sources, etc. There are standard MS Applications

MS is also providing connectors to other Data Sources

4. Intuitive User Interface

One does not need to know how to code to create a flow. The user interface provides readily understandable icons with descriptors that you can select to create a process flow. Details of what is required are asked through standardized forms.

5. Flow Controls using Logical Operators

Junction points can be created in the process flow where a logic condition can be provided with alternatives that can be setup for different outcomes. This key functionality enables more complex flows to be setup like what can be done with coding.

The Power Automate Advantage

Let us look at some of the useful advantages of using Power Automate

1. Single Sign-on

Since most offices have all users using Office365, this is a big advantage. There is no need for maintaining a separate set of user logins with users struggling to remember login id and passwords. There is no issue of someone in the company not having access to the system.

2. Potentially anybody can develop and use

The no code platform can be made accessible to all users. If users are savvy enough, they can invest time and learn how to help themselves to some automation. If users are willing to invest time, they need not depend on IT for automating some of the simpler processes.

3. Flows can be created with multiple users

A user can create a process flow with multiple users and get them to respond to simple tasks like approvals, updates, etc requiring minimal training.

4. Flows can be shared

This is like sharing code. Users can share a useful process flow with others. They can retain the process and use it by changing the inputs as per their needs. Alternatively they can make a copy and customize certain parts of the process flow as required.

Uses of Power Automate in Business

How useful is the application?

1. Can automate simple tasks

If there is a repetitive task, it can be automated. In short, wherever users have set a process for doing a task, this can be automated. The better skilled users are in identifying task patterns, the more useful they will find this tool. Desktop automation however comes at a small cost.

2. Can be used for setting up business processes

A typical process where this can be used is for document approval where there are multiple stakeholders across multiple functions. This is promoted by Microsoft also. Masters maintenance is another good example where this can be used. Organizations have so many business processes which can be potentially automated.

3. Can be used for creating BOTs

With Microsoft adding RPA functionality to the tool, this can be used for creating BOTs

So, what’s the Verdict?

Power Automate is a great tool for automation and for setting up business process flows across multiple functions and multiple users. As with any great tool, usefulness however lies in how well Super Users design the process which depends on – how well they understand the business, how well they understand what they are trying to achieve and how well they can grasp what Power Automate has to offer. This is by no means an easy combination and companies will do well to plan how they can best make use of this offering from Microsoft.

For more information or any queries, you can reach out to us and we will be happy to assist you.

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