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Case Studies

Helping people with visible Results

Easemylife helps all businesses not only reach, but exceed their goals. Our experience helps us lay out a strategy that perfectly fits our clients. Learn about some of the past work done by our people below. These are illustrative to showcase the kind of work we do.


Eliminating the daily grind in distribution planning

Alisha, a manager in distribution planning spent roughly 1 to 2 hours in generating her daily plans. The work required her full concentration and energies to avoid mistakes and rework. Alisha was proud of her work and for the recognition she got from it. However, over time, what appeared interesting at the start, began to appear painful and monotonous. She spoke to her IT department but help appeared months away and at a very high cost. Frustrated, Alisha came across EML and was ready to try their services.

After investing around 2 hours with an EML expert, she managed to reduce 1 hour from her daily grind. It meant a saving of 5 hours per week and 250 hours per year. To her surprise, there was hardly any extra cost involved. Plus the work was made mistake proof. She also learnt several tips which she could apply in other areas of her work. She was happy with her decision as now she had plenty of time to focus on the deliverables in her core operations areas.


Drawing the strategic roadmap for the function

Vidyut had recently been promoted as the functional head of a large organization. One of his early priorities was designing the functional strategy. But how? There was no dearth of information. In fact, there was an overload of all kinds of data and information. His peers and colleagues provided a whole lot of perspectives and ideas. After reviewing the situation, Vidyut was not sure where to start. Besides, considering his daily operational work, he had no time to think through the enormous complexities involved. He considered investing in EML as worth a try.

Looking at the structured approach used by the EML expert, he was at once reassured. Somebody was doing the thinking to ensure that every aspect was considered. EML took the time to understand his business and with professional help, he got clarity on his priorities. With this clarity, he could now easily identify what information was important to him. EML helped him structure his ideas into a roadmap and showcase the same into a deck which his management could easily understand. Needless to say he got a lot of appreciation for his work.


Designing a system for forecasting that works

Ekon was having a difficult time convincing his IT team on what was required. Twice they had designed a system  and both the times this ended with the same result - nobody used the system. The first time, his team had given the requirements to IT and they came back with a system that did not give the right output.  Users claimed that some of the required features were missing. IT pointed out that the requirements had changed. The second time, he personally ensured that all requirements were captured, but the system was slow and a pain to use. Now he was being asked to justify the cost of the IT system. As a last resort, Ekon approached EML.

EML interviewed all stakeholders to understand their needs and came up with a detailed solution design that was satisfactory to all. The design was discussed with IT to check feasibility, but the cost was too high. EML then redesigned an innovative  solution at a fifth of the cost and this was approved. The new solution was realigned with all users and was implemented with close coordination with users and the IT team. The entire exercise was completed in 3 weeks. The most satisfying result for Ekon and of course to EML was that now his team started using the system and kept giving him positive vibes on how it was helping them do their jobs.


Making the sales support reporting faster by 70%

Jack used to generate the sales support query resolution report every week in excel and circulate the same to multiple stakeholders. The entire process used to take around 2 hours. Lately, some of his colleagues left the organization and with the added pressure on headcount, he was asked to manage the additional responsibility. The pressure became immense and Jack could not find any time for his family or for himself. He asked EML if they could help.

EML helped him map his entire workflow from start to finish. To his surprise, he found that he spent around 3 hours for the activity - way much more time than his initial estimate. What's more he had disregarded many steps as "nothing can be done about this". EML explained to him that what appears not possible for a layman, might be very much controllable for a subject matter expert. It required some time investment, but eventually they jointly eliminated almost 70% of the activities.  The resulting process now took a mere 20 minutes. The only investment required was around 3  hours and of course the consulting cost. Jack felt that EML was an investment well worth his time.


Making Financial Reporting Easy

Mohammed spent 3 hours every month for publishing the sales for the month. He also spent an extra 2 days every quarter after the sales closing. Plus 5 days every quarter for the rolling financial budget. It was exhausting. Personally he felt it a waste of time, but something that was essential - a necessary evil. Seeing the work EML had done in other areas made him think if it really should take 3 hours for the publish. If he could crunch it to 1 hour, he would score a point with his leadership team. His team was skeptical but willing to try. So he engaged EML.

EML approached the problem in a phased manner. The idea was to attack low hanging fruits so that the team gains confidence. The team was happy that EML provided a framework for everyone to pitch in with their ideas. First priority was so called exceptions which appeared to consume a disproportionate amount of time. These were classified and a procedure established to resolve them. Then checks and balances took time for obvious reasons - finance being the final authority on the controls. This too was set in a way that made it rapid and error proof. Most of the ideas emerged from the business, while EML provided the crucial support that enabled streamlining the process.


Finding the right system for vendor development

The procurement team of a reputed organization was looking for a system to manage their vendor development projects. The entire process was complex involving 6 to 8 functions and had over 25 sequential steps with several interdependencies.

Management had a general idea of what was happening but wanted better controls and visibility. EML was approached to either develop or provide a solution.

After interacting with end users, EML identified key user requirements and proposed a project management software as a solution. EML then evaluated several systems that were already in the organizations approved list of vendors. Showcasing system features with key requirements, EML was able to convince the users of choosing the right system.

Case Studies: Projects
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